trigonometric function

Cosec Theta

The cosecant function ‘or’ Cosec Theta is one of the trigonometric functions apart from sine, cosine, tangent, secant, and cotangent. In right-angled trigonometry, the cosecant function is defined as the …

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Cot Theta

The cotangent function ‘or’ cot theta is one of the trigonometric functions apart from sine, cosine, tangent, secant, and cosecant. The cotangent function in right-angle triangle trigonometry is defined as …

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Sec Theta

The secant function ‘or’ Sec Theta is one of the trigonometric functions apart from sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, and cotangent. In right-angled trigonometry, the secant function is defined as the …

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Cos Theta

The cosine function ‘or’ Cos Theta is one of the three most common trigonometric functions along with sine and tangent. In right-angled trigonometry, the cosine function is defined as the …

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