Home Forums Math Using the quadratic formula to solve 2x^2 = 4x – 7, what are the values of x? Reply To: Using the quadratic formula to solve 2x^2 = 4x – 7, what are the values of x?


    Answer: x = (2 ± √10 i)/2

    Explanation :
    Standard Quadratic Expression : ax^2 + bx + c = 0
    Using quadratic formula, expression for roots,
    x = [ -b ± √(b2 – 4ac) ] / 2a

    By comparing,
    => x = [ -(-4) ± √{(-4)2 – 4(2)(7)} ] / 2(2)
    => x = [ 4 ± √{16 – 56} ] / 4
    => x = [ 4 ± √(-40) ] / 4
    => x = [ 4 ± 2√10 i ] / 4
    => x = (2 ± √10i)/2

    Therefore, the roots of x are : (2 + √10 i)/2 and (2 – √10 i)/2

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by ProtonsTalk.
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