Home Forums Chemistry What is the name of molten rocks erupted by a volcano? Reply To: What is the name of molten rocks erupted by a volcano?


    The name of molten rocks erupted by a volcano is called lava.

    The name of molten rock erupted by a volcano is called magma when it is still below the Earth’s surface.

    When magma reaches the Earth’s surface and flows out of a volcano, it is then called lava.

    Magma is made up of a mixture of molten rock, gases, and minerals. The composition of magma can vary depending on the location and the type of volcano. Magma is usually rich in silica, which gives it a thick, viscous consistency. This can cause it to trap gases and create explosive eruptions.

    When magma reaches the Earth’s surface, it is called lava. Lava can flow slowly or quickly depending on its viscosity and the slope of the terrain. It can also take on different forms, such as pahoehoe (smooth, ropy lava) or ‘A’ā (rough, jagged lava). Lava cools and solidifies into various types of igneous rock, depending on the cooling rate and mineral composition.

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