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    The s.i. unit of speed and velocity are same.

    The SI unit of speed and velocity are the same which is meters/second (m/s).

    Though note that both speed and velocity in themselves are not exactly same. Following are the differences

    1. Definition:
    Speed: It is a scalar quantity that refers to how fast an object is moving, without regard to its direction.
    Velocity: It is a vector quantity that refers to how fast an object is moving in a specific direction.

    2. Formula and Units:
    Speed: Speed is calculated as the distance travelled by an object divided by the time taken to cover that distance. The SI unit of speed is meters per second (m/s).
    Velocity: Velocity is calculated as the displacement of an object divided by the time taken to cover that displacement. The SI unit of velocity is also meters per second (m/s).

    3. Direction:
    Speed: Speed is a scalar quantity that does not take direction into account. It only indicates the magnitude of the object’s motion.
    Velocity: Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the magnitude of an object’s motion and its direction.

    4. Constant Motion:
    Speed: The speed of an object can remain constant even if it changes direction or slows down.
    Velocity: The velocity of an object changes if its speed, direction, or both change.

    So, though these differences are there, speed and velocity have got the same SI units which is metres per second (m/s)

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