Home Forums Biology Explain how corn can be used as an example of mendel’s law of independent assortment. Reply To: Explain how corn can be used as an example of mendel’s law of independent assortment.


    Answer: Mendel’s law of independent assortment states that the genes are separated and inherited independently of each other into the gametes. The corn can be used to study the law if independent assortment as each kernel of the corn is its fruit. Thus, it is a result of sexual reproduction.

    (i)In case of corn, in addition to this there can be a pure line trait which can be found in corn.
    (ii) However Mendel used Garden pea for his experiment ,we can use corn because it is similar to character with that of Garden pea.
    (iii) While doing the experiment with corn we found out that there is independent and random assortment of the different gametes.

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